another acoustic gig in eindhoven on the 27th


danny cavanagh
Apr 30, 2002
Visit site
me and jamie have got another gig in eindhoven for the day before the apeldoorn gig. its at the haltstad, on stratumseind, near the thunder roadhouse.
should be good
Originally posted by pagan2002
me and jamie have got another gig in eindhoven for the day before the apeldoorn gig. its at the haltstad, on stratumseind, near the thunder roadhouse.
should be good

If this gig is confirmed I think we better pick this one out to
come, because it's a lot closer to Antwerp (or maybe both)
Who follows ?;)
DUNC play thessaloniki as well, you can't stay behind!
oh he's probably already in Grease, playing the bird, because I'm not arrived yet...
Let's hope he does that Mariner... I'm ultra-mega fuckin' bored these days... nothing happens... I'm waiting for yer lads!