Another band to check out! NEO! (not REO!)


Mar 18, 2003
Catonsville, MD USA
Hi guys,

Yep, Brave is a terrific band....and here is another to check out...New Eden Orchestra! Their CD Anyman is a very cool prog rock disc with lots of variety and some excellent harmonies - a little bit Beard-ish, but in no way a clone band. These guys are cool and the singer/drummer Dave has something in common with all of us - he's a huge Enchant fan! :) These cats would be fun at ROSFest too! Check them out!

@Mare: Interesting sound indeed, and I can't say I find much similarity between the Beards and this band, aside from being vaguely related in style. The bad side of the story is that the sound samples are quite short and give little insight of the music. However, being myself a crazy buy-it-all music addict, maybe I'll go for it anyway. :p

Thanks, man.

Hi |ng, I didn't heard the Beard-ishness until I listened to the whole CD. Honestly, the first track is a little rough, but the other 17 (yes there are 18 tracks on this CD!) are great. They do have their own sound, and there is a cool quirkiness that runs through most of the tracks - grab the disk and give the whole album a spin and let me know!
