Another Blabbermouth Interview~

the boy seems a little flustered. This is now officially a "He said this, but they said that" issue. Horray.
So the best I can make out from both sides:
They wanted to make a new record with Joey.
Finance maybe was an issue.
Joey was to get little to no creative control.
Joey felt like he was a hired gun and not a real member. (I could totally see that)
When it became clear that he was't a real member with equal input he started scheduling solo shows.
No Joey = no spitz.
I think the next interview Joey has should be conducted almost as if he is on trial. Yes and No answers only but with a chance to speak on his behalf at the end. His answers are so confusing and I have yet another headache from reading an interview, and I like the guy.
"Talking in circles, we'll never get it straight".

I think I'm just gonna sit back now in the wings and see what develops. I don't think we'll ever hear the truth, and I'm not that fussed whether we do or not. I just wish they'd make a final announcement, get back in the studio and give us another album. But Joey does seem a bit confused.
Well.... if Joey is still facing old demons (alcohol) he may not even remember conversations had. Or he may remember them so out of context its scary. The he babbles I just dont think even he knows what he is saying because even he isnt sure he knows what he knows. Just a guess but Dude seems a mess. Nice guy or not. One of my life long friends and nicest people on the planet is a drunk so I can relate to dealing with that.
i get a headache reading these but you know... i'm going go get a ...anyways things could be different but i'm not gonna.... what was the quesion ?
I have to side with Scott and Charlie with this one. I feel that they would not lie about paying off other peoples bills and all that crap in an internet chat where the whole world could see it. You can't say something like that and then not expect to answer some questions. Joey's audio and this here written interview is all just a bunch of "well...this happened..and know, right?" No real answers. And that's ok, but, not if you are trying to make a point, Joey!
Originally Posted by nafnikufesin
Like Scott's answers for the past two years about where the band was going were any more clear...


Man, the boys should give up being musicians and become politicians. What a bunch of horseshit! I think we could get better answers from that kook Sylvia,the psychic, about the band Anthrax.

Who is telling the truth? Who can tell? And pretty soon, will anyone care?