Another brush with greatness


Mar 6, 2003
Newport Beach, CA
Thought it might be fun to have a thread with any stories about meeting the band, by chance or otherwise.

Here's mine: (I swear this is all as it happened and not some reflection of my warped mind staring back at me.)
At the time, Maiden had been doing LA club gigs over the last few years, small clubs by IM standards. This was before Bruce rejoined the band, and about a week after they had played in LA. (I had seen them the time previous, but had missed this time around. Racking my brain to try to remember the exact timeframe, maybe May/June of ‘97 or possibly ’98.)

Anyway, it was a sunny Sunday afternoon in Newport Beach in Southern California, about 5 o’clock. I was at the laundromat, with my clothes in the washer. Looked outside and saw 3 people on the sidewalk chatting as they walked past the door. A woman in a sundress and a taller man in jeans & t-shirt were on either side of a dark long-haired guy wearing a blue tanktop and blue soccer shorts. Tattoos on this guy’s arms were instantly recognizable from all the photos. No way! It couldn’t be! I hurried outside to get a closer look.

Now about 5 feet away, I was sure it was him. They're still moving, now 10 feet away… I have to say something! So (not too loud, still just in case it wasn’t) “Hey Steve!” All 3 people stopped and turned around looking at me- some beach dude that interrupted their stroll. It was Steve Harris!

Now he’s looking at me. (Oh no, my mind is racing, all kinds of thoughts: been a fan for years, know every word to every song you’ve written, seen so many shows, what the hell are you doing here? can I have an autograph?-no pen, and a dorky request from a 30 year old anyway) He’s waiting for me to say something else, but what? Instinctively, I just flash him the 2 fingers of the metal sign and say “Rock on!” All 3 of them chuckle, Steve gives a smile and says “Thanks.” They turn and continue their stroll, and I went back and put my clothes in the dryer in utter disbelief.

Up the Irons!

(Note: Sorry if you've seen this before, I originally started this thread on The Iron Maidens board, but since we have an Iron Maiden forum now, thought I'd copy it here too. Love to hear your great stories!)
If i can choose one person to meet it would be steve harris. i envy you a bit. well. but i bet he wouldnt get away with just a word! no way! :eek: ;)
Sounds like you reacted exactly the same way I would :lol: I think I'd just shit my pants..., of course, you know I ain't met Maiden yet ;)