another college visit

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
so i got accepted to that 70% female Catholic place in Pa. and it's just now that i'm realizing how not-well i'd adjust to that environment, especially since it's so far from home, so we're finally visiting the other college i've focused on, Washington College in Chestertown. we're going tomorrow so i can talk to admissions people and see th campus and whatnot. yay, non-Catholocism.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
so i got accepted to that 70% female Catholic place in Pa. and it's just now that i'm realizing how not-well i'd adjust to that environment, especially since it's so far from home, so we're finally visiting the other college i've focused on, Washington College in Chestertown. we're going tomorrow so i can talk to admissions people and see th campus and whatnot. yay, non-Catholocism.
Its just the name of the county. St. Mary's county, i.e the bumbfuck end of the state. No religious affiliation, but in a somewhat remote area as well.
haha, yeah.

the 2 advantages ... no, 3 of going to the catholic place are a great creative writing program, bunches of repressed catholic schoolgirls, and these rare book and comic stores down the street. my dad wants me to write this essay for a scholarship to that school and if i get it, i guess i could go and just see how long it takes me to get asked to leave for voicing my opinions on gay rights and religion...
washington looks awesome. i like the campus and the environment and whatnot. my gpa and sat scores are a little below what they want (*am dumb. am so dumb*) ... bah, i really hope i get into this place.

however, it seems the world wants me to go to the catholic place - i got a thing in the mail today telling me that i recieved a $4000 scholarship there for basically nothing. wtf??
dreaming neon darkspot said:
washington looks awesome. i like the campus and the environment and whatnot. my gpa and sat scores are a little below what they want (*am dumb. am so dumb*) ... bah, i really hope i get into this place.

however, it seems the world wants me to go to the catholic place - i got a thing in the mail today telling me that i recieved a $4000 scholarship there for basically nothing. wtf??

Proof that catholicism is a desperate virus. Don't go!!!!!!!!!!!!