Another "epic" DANDELIUM song! SoloC>8505, Catharsis' IR, EWQLSO...

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
Heya! Realm Of Oblivion.mp3

As you could guess, this song has been recorded almost simulteneously with the other song I've posted here. Same settings for almost everything.

Comments please! :headbang:

Best regards.

EDIT: Sorry to all the jazz music lovers, cuz my attempt to a "jazzy" part is pretty crappy, you know, i was just playing a bit with new sounds :p. I'll get it redone by a good friend of mine that's also an awesome musician with excellent taste for jazz :D
this is an amazing mix.

i think the 8505 + s-preshigh.wav impulse are pretty much the key to killer guitar tone (excluding miking one up!), and the sound you get from this is awesome.

well done erik, another great dandelium mix :)

wow man !, i love this mix, it sounds so full and awesome !

what did you do to the guitars to make them so awesome? , and what are you useing for bass??

and what kick sample is that , it sounds perfect !

good job man !
If this song were a woman, i'd pee in her butt


I forgot to talk about the clean-crunch sound starting in 03:13.
It's my Ibby's neck pickup (EMG SA), into SoloC clean settings (will post tomorrow) then into POD Farm (delay and reverb only), then into Recabinet 2.0 Modern Ghandi cabinet neumann mic cone position, awesome dynamic response for an IR! Then limited to give it sustain.
Awesome songwriting and production as always. Would love to hear it with vocals.

The only feedback I can come up with is that the bass sounds a bit too compressed at the jazzy part, maybe thats just my personal preference but I think it would sound fuller if you could "feel" the bass more at that time.

Anyway great mix.
Amazing mix Erik...and you get the best impulse guitar tones around. I'd give my left nut to be able to produce tones like that!
Wow.. tbh most of your stuff isn't my taste (and the orchestral stuff in this still isn't), but the riffs in this are amazing. Really.. and the tone is perfect.

The bass's lows could come up a touch in the jazz part.

Not a fan of the snare, it sounds out of place. Rest is all good.

Orchestral stuff tads a touch MIDI.. particularly in the transitions between notes (like at :19 to the low note). I'm no violinist or whatever, but I don't think they tend to (or can? I don't know) play with such a range. Usually when I hear strings and stuff they play within like an octave range, different players for different octaves. Not attacking your composition or whatever but just saying that might be why its not sounding totally realistic.
Sounds awesome! Dandelium, do you remember the 8505 settings and/or what post-processing you did on this? it sounds so brootal!
sweet! great mix! guitar tone is crushing, and the bass sits in there nicely! i agree with morgoe, that the orchestral stuff in the beginning and end sounds kind of "jarring". it sounds kind of robotic. maybe try adjusting the velicities and moving the midi notes ahead slightly on the piano roll or whatever. killer stuff man! i love all your stuff! \m/