another god damn new song :)

i REALLY like the intro.
i was disappointed with the transitions starting around :25 and 2:00
:50 with nice death vocals would be really sweet and brutal
guitars around 3:00 are killer
i really like the twin melodies around 3:30
4:20 is just odd...
last 2 minutes seems kinda empty

the only troubles i have with the song are those 2 transitions and it seems the song is dragged on for too long during the last 1:30. I suggest that, during the solo, you harmonize and layer in another guitar to increase the peak of the song right before it fades out. Overall really cool. Kinda reminded me of a mix between Nile and Gardenian at times. I know its an odd mix, but that's just me. Nicely done!
I pretty much agree with the above statements. You are a great riff writer,'ve got some awesome shit. I think "cutting the fat" would do you well...eliminating some of the repetitive/less interesting parts.

That way, it can be a 4 minute nugget of metal greatness.

But really, good job. :headbang:
Very good... a little bit too happy-trippin' for me at times (which is a comment on the style rather than your skills ;) ), but still :)
a couple cool riffs in there

but, the transitions are awful and so is you guitar tone. you should turn the bass down as well as the overall guitar level. since you seem to be recording a lot of your own music it would be wise to invest in a bass guitar. nothing fancy, just a low end ibanez would suffice.

the bit at 2:20 is cool

IMO you should have ended the song at around 4:15 (before that drum part). The part aftter that ar around 4:30 just sounds childish and doesn't really work.

overall it's pretty good, i didn't like your other songs at all but this one is pretty good
I pretty much agree with everyone else's comments; the song is good but the end was a little bit of a let down. End just before the final drum part and it'll be much better :)

Good stuff, I like all your others too
yikes, im not god after all :cry:

hm yes some things are unconventional. perhaps it's one of the songs where it gets better with each listen. i have no fucking clue how many times i listened to it but spending all those hours writing and recording it definitely has grown on me.

and bleed for me! how could you say my guitar tone is awful!! i think this is the best ive had, the guitars just jump out and punch me in the face like a bitch.

hm, well i need to keep it long for now. with the 6 songs i have just over 25 minutes of play time which is what i need to get a rating at
Stygian_Apothegm said:
yikes, im not god after all :cry:
and bleed for me! how could you say my guitar tone is awful!! i think this is the best ive had, the guitars just jump out and punch me in the face like a bitch.

well the lead tone is good, but the rythm guitars need to be a lot more crisp. when you palm mute it gets really muddy, especially when you play it at loud volumes (like i did)
I wish I could pump stuff out as fast as you do. I guess the length and amount of layering makes it hard for me to.. But anyways, I can't give comments yet, but I'll get some out later.
Stygian_Apothegm said:
yikes, im not god after all :cry:

hm yes some things are unconventional. perhaps it's one of the songs where it gets better with each listen. i have no fucking clue how many times i listened to it but spending all those hours writing and recording it definitely has grown on me.

and bleed for me! how could you say my guitar tone is awful!! i think this is the best ive had, the guitars just jump out and punch me in the face like a bitch.

hm, well i need to keep it long for now. with the 6 songs i have just over 25 minutes of play time which is what i need to get a rating at
Don't ask for opinions if you don't want them.
You've got a lot of promise, both in writing good music and having the whiney rockstar attitude. I really do like the song. It's got a few great moments and the rest isn't by any means bad.