Another Kewl Girl Guitarist


Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
I just discovered this girl's channel less than 20 minutes ago while doing some editing of my videos. Her name is Samantha. She's half-Serbian, half-Armenian and she lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

What really got my attention was the title of the video...

[ame=]The Trooper - I'm trying to be in The Iron Maidens VOTE[/ame]

I'm doing this to try and be in The Iron Maidens. I'm only doing Adrian Smith's part, because that's who I would "be" if I were to be in The Iron Maiden's! Help me out everyone, rate and comment! Thanks =D

[ame=]Wasted Years[/ame]
Here's another video of her guitar work; this time, without any background music. The second half of the video shows her playing "Afraid to Shoot Strangers."

[ame=]Peavey Bandit 112 100-Watt Test[/ame]
I believe the Adrienne position has been filled. You may have noticed that the call for guitarists has been removed from the website. But I believe the hunt for a vocalist continues.
Well, Acujer beat me to it. I wish the best of luck to Samantha. She's gonna be known in the metal world within a few years.

And as Mr. Milne mentioned, it looks like the Maidens have a new guitarist. Can't wait to see her.:headbang:
Seriously, Acujer, you're overreacting to this. As much as she'd love to be in the Maidens, she's already signed with a band that has a record deal. You're only scaring her off and giving most of us the creeps, so let it go.

And the video of her playing "The Trooper" doesn't really justify much, as the song itself drowns out her playing. Still, her other videos show a lot of potential.
My god can't you see I am joking? Do you guys really think I am serious? What the hell peeps? Please tell me everyone knew I was playing around.

I'm dumbfounded that you think I am being serious.
I went back and revisited Samantha's channel. She did another recording of "The Trooper" - this time, doing both solos.

[ame=]The Trooper Revisited [both solos][/ame]