Another little solution for a noisy PC


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
For those who also have a noisy PC because of its fans, and who cannot control their speed with Speedfan because your motherboard won't let you do it, I found a really simple thing that I didn't know, the Fan Mate : (in french)

Basically it's just a resistor knob you put, and you control manually the fan speed. You check with Speedfan that your temperatures are ok one or 2 days and you save some more dB for a few bucks.

This is not a scoop, but I was pleased to discover it so I wanted to tell you in case you didn't know either !
My MB's automatic fan control works fine. I had to install Speedfan on another computer because it constantly changed RPM and I set it to be at the lowest speed unless the cpu reaches 50C. At first it didn't work at all, but once I deactivated the auto fan control from the bios it worked like a charm.