Another Mesa test


Anssi Tenhunen
So, I'm still trying to figure out the Dual Recto, it sounds awesome in the room, but I still struggle a bit to get it to sound good on tape too.

After a few days of break listening to the song I think I'm still driving the input gain just a tad too hot for my taste. I originally also recorded leads for the song, but the leads kinda sucked so I just muted without fixing the volumes, so thats why some of the transition volumes are a bit "fucked up" and jump too loud or too quiet, but try to ignore that.

Without leads (same as the soundcloud version):
With the sucky leads:
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when it kicks in at like 14 sec the depth and punch of the guitar seems to die down, its weird because the intro sounds pretty great. is the entire song done with the amp on the same settings?
I've found a few things with my Dual Rectifier (2 Ch) over the last 10 years or so...

1. It's not forgiving. You need to play as tightly and as well as you can because it's not going to hide shit for you.
2. It never sounds good in the room if it sounds good to tape.


Just keep noodling, you'll find your happy place eventually. :)
Do you boost your recti? To me, the amp itself is really awesome, but being boosted by a TS or something brings him on a whole new level...