Another metal game...

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Somebody pick a song (any song as long as it's metal), and post the name and the artist. The next person in the thread downloads the song, posts a brief review of it, and then picks another song. The next person then downloads and reviews that track, and picks another... and so on, and so forth.

Here's the first track -

A Canorous Quintet - The Black Spiral

Should be a good way to find out about some new bands...
dill; can one only review the song if they don't have it and actually have to download it? I've already have and know said song, does that mean I can't participate atm?

A Canorous Quintet - "The Black Spiral"

This is a pretty good song. Very melodic and heavy. The vocals are rasped out quite well. I liked the drum intro, and the drumming throughout was pretty good. The riffing was the main focus, lots of melodic tremelo riffing. Very catchy yet aggressive at the same time.

Next song: Nocturnus - "Paranormal States"
Nocturnus - Paranormal States

The first part of this song isnt all that great, I don't care for the clean vocals here, and the riff is pretty basic. The drums do have a nice sound to them, and work well with this song. The riff gets a bit faster with a couple extra notes, but its still the same riff as the harsh vocals come in, which are pretty good. The little interude is cool even though it is still the same repeated riffage. Guitar solo is played over the same riff, with a few exeptions, and doesnt really get the song to go anywhere else, it just meanders around not really doing anything. I'm definitely tired of the same riff, and the fadeout at the end shows that Nocturnus really didnt have any ideas for this song aside from the overplayed riff. The song itself has a dark sort of feel to it, somewhat doomy I guess, but I didn't enjoy it. *delete*

Blind Stare - All for the Unspoken
Blind Stare - All for the Unspoken

Nice piano intro. I love the piano in this song, and how it is played throughout. It really helps the song. It fits quite well with the uptempo feel. Raspy vocals are good, the clean vocals could definately use some work. More excellent piano work is the focus when everything else drops out and there are only clean vocals, and it keeps going. The focus of the song is obviously on the piano and its effect on the song, rather than the guitar, which is more rhythm focused in the song. Keyboards are used a bit too, similar to the way the piano is used. The song suddenly slows and fades. All in all, a pretty good song, the piano highlights the song.

next: Neurosis - Enclosure in Flame
I'm sorry I can't find Enclosure in Flames anywhere, but my chosen song is T.O.A.B. by Sevendust. Sorry again.
markssocool123 said:
I'm sorry I can't find Enclosure in Flames anywhere
maybe its because you called it "Enclosure in Flames" when it is called "Enclosure In Flame", you should try again.... the group is faily popular (cult status) so nobody should have any trouble finding it.... sorry but the next song is still....

Neurosis - "Enclosure in Flame"
Neurosis - Enclosure in Flame

I will preface this song review by stating that I am not a Neurosis fan. Actually I can't think of any sludge metal that I really care for. Well, onto the song, the last track on Neurosis' 1996 cd "Through Silver In Blood" clocks in at 10:19 (for the song I downloaded anyways). The intro lasts for about two and a half minutes, with only a few soft guitar notes, and a bit of background noise, creating nothing more than a boring atmosphere. I could see that it might work on other levels if I was stoned, but it lasts a bit too long for me. Finally a drummroll and a bit of heavy guitars come in with the screaming sludge style vocals, but alas, the song has not gone anywhere. It continues to drift along aimlessly between the mellow part and the harsher part, untill...nearing the 7 minute mark, the song actually speeds up to something that you could slowly headbang to. The riffage is good, and its here that you realize where the past 7 minutes have been leading. Not much changes after that though, and I feel the song has lasted for too long, but I guess im not in the right mood for it. The outro lasts for a full minute, and its just the same as the intro, just a bit slower. Not bad, but this is not for me.

Into Dementia - Hidden Away
Download it on this page if you want:
Heh, if you aren't a Neurosis fan that one is certainly tough to like.... i think its one of their best though, very dark and forboding atmosphere

Into Dementia - Hidden Away

Starts out fast paced, very At The Gates styled riffing. Agressive and catchy, sounds like it would be good driving music. Very headbangable. Midway through the song, the riffing changes up a bit, and works very well, with a steady yet up-tempo beat. This beat continues with some double bass added and some dual guitars for a few moments. The song then slows down more, into a nice chugging and grooving riff. A bass interlude follows, with some whispers on top. The song picks up some speed again, with a melodic riff, and the song ends. A pretty good song, the tempo changes keep it interesting, and the riffs are aggressive, melodic, and catchy.

next song: Vehemence - I Didn't Kill Her
Vehemence-I Didn't Kill Her

Brilliant song by a brilliant band, wonderfully brutal, yet at the same time has very nice melodies. very deep vocals. they could very well pass for an uptempo death/doom band.
still wondering how those guys do it...

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