Another new song...

Yea I think Its sweet. Defiantly Like how you use mixing in this new style, though I must admit I thought there was nothing wrong with your old stuff. All in all great writing and can't wait to hear a final product. Also that other stuff you showed me was killer as well man. Your definitely got a nack for this stuff, oh and sorry i have not got back on the pm Ive been pretty busy.

Its rough finding a minute to sneak on here....:dopey:
Haha, it's all good man...the time I find to get on here and actually write thoughtful responses, is mostly time I should be spending on something else! Like right now actually... :erk:
Yes, there will be vocals eventually. They will likely be similar to the vocals on the pre-production songs up on my band's page at the moment (see link below), although the singer and I haven't sat down and figured out the best way to approach the song vocally. A few parts generally get changed when we're tracking pre-production, some parts a little and some parts get totally reworked.
As for the guitars, it's a Behringer V-Amp with some hefty EQing on it. I suppose it could be a bit brighter, but I think it's fine for pre-production!