another newbie

Elf Slayer 9/9/9

New Metal Member
Oct 30, 2002
Columbus, Ohio
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Whats up, i just registered and since they have this little introduce yourself forum thingy, i decided i might as well use it. I'm into Power/Thrash/Death/Black and all the other types of metal out there except Hair/Nu i'm open to just about anything and play guitar and i am hellbent on forming a band.
Welcome to UM! :wave:

I would like to start a band with you, but there seems to be a little bit of water in the way.

Enjoy the forums. :)
Welcome to UM, Elf!

How's the metal scene down in Columbus? I lived up near Akron for a couple of years, & there were some great bands there & in Cleveland..good luck getting a grup together! :)
Hey, well Lady of The Oracle i haven't had the chance to experience whatever scene Columbus has i'm not so sure if we even have a metal scene compared to all the famous scenes(Sweden, Bay Area, NY Death metal, Florida etc) theres either Nu-metal bands or Pop Punk bands. I only know of one band from Ohio who plays metal and has a cd but they are thrash/power/prog and i have never even heard them.

A friend of mine posts here and he plays guitar also, we just can't find anyone in this boring town into Death Metal/Grindcore so we have no way to start a band... its a shame your so far away rustymetal but oh well it'll work out soon. I know Akron had Tim Owens and he had that priest cover band, but i know of no other metal bands here in columbus they either must be sealed in their basements or garages for all eternity :lol: