Another Newbie


New Metal Member
Oct 18, 2010
Greetings from the Frozen Wastelands of Scotland.

About time I logged into a Forum dedicated to the DEAD.

Like I said I hail from Glasgow, Scotland. My older cousin is none other than Tom Russell formerly of the Radio Clyde Rock Show but now considered the Godfather of Rock in the Rock Radio 96.3.

My son is also lyricist, vocalist and rythmn guitarist with Glasgow based Prog Metal band Three Days Born.

We used to have a form running for local bands under the Podboy label of Glasgow, this label folded and was raised again under the name Torn Face Promotions.

My main influence at the moment is Opeth, cannot get enough of the Swedish rockers, also listening to Rhapsody of Fire at the moment.

However with Halloween on the horizon, Three Days Born will be gigging next week, Thursday 28th and their usual Halloween Monster Mosh coming up.

OK, said enough for now,

Keep on Rocking
