Another one is close to dying...


Forever Underground
Jan 28, 2002
Lewistown, PA
Here's the news straight from Blabbermouth:
EXODUS Vocalist Suffers Stroke, Barely Clings To Life - Feb. 1, 2002

Paul Baloff, the much-loved, inimitable vocalist for the veteran San Francisco thrashers EXODUS, has reportedly suffered a massive stroke and is said to be on life support and barely clinging to life at a local hospital. Baloff suffered what was initially believed to be a brain aneurysm, but doctors have since determined what he actually experienced was a huge stroke. According to the hospital officials, Paul is not expected to survive and it is just a matter of time before he passes. We'll keep you posted on the details of these tragic developments as we get them.

:cry: It's almost like everyone is looking mortal nowadays.