another Operation Mindcrime II review: 8.5 / 10

You know, he criticized it just enough to make me believe he was speaking as a very cautious Queensryche fan of me. The 8.5 rating sounds pretty good to me. As I've stated on previous threads, I'm not going in expecting a perfect 10 like Mindcrime 1. An 8.5 I'd be very happy with.

I'm going to buy this as soon as it comes out. Haven't done that with a Queensryche album since Empire.

If this album does deliver, I am hopeful it will start skewing the direction of modern MTV/radio metal back in the direction of melody, real singing, and guitar solos. It should bring some class back to Headbanger's Ball and maybe teach a new generation that metal isn't always about aggression, anger and angst.

NP: Glenn Hughes - Soul Mover
If it sounds like "Rage For Order," I'll be getting it. I don't actually consider Rage For Order to be Metal; more atmospheric, depthful progressive rock. Popoff's description actually gives me hope.
It was a bit of work to read that review. He could stand to cut his sentences into a quarter of what they are and communicate a little better.

I like what he's got to say in his descriptions and it gives me a little more hope that they might have actually rediscovered themselves.

And what TSO said about criticizing it just enough goes ditto for me.

What have we got, six weeks until the release date?
Popoff can kiss my nutsack.....I never liked his reviews when he wrote for Kerrang, and if he praised St. Anger, I'm pretty sure the new QR is bound to fail....I HOPE not, but I'm readying myself for some ear bleeding suckage!

I've been listening to this album for three days now. To clear things from the beginning let me tell yout that I am the kind of Queensryche fan that broke Q2K to pieces. I bought it, listened to it once and teared it apart. That was not Queensryche. Tribe, well...I don't know...too soft. It's not real Queensryche anyway, except maybe for Open Your Eyes.
Now, Operation 2. First thing: this is metal. In fact, on one of the songs, Hostage, somewhere in the middle of it, Queensryche are more metal than they've ever been, imo, I mean that passage could work well in an Immortal song, for instance. There's one song that reminded me of HITNF, Speed of Light, and when I heard the beginning of it I thought that they would let me down on that one, but it got really intense toward the end, once Sister Mary got into it. The rest of the songs are heavy metal, with The Hands, The Chase, A Junkie's blues, All the promises and Fear City Slide as stands out (at least for me).
It's very complex and very intricate, so I need to give it more listens. My only complaint would be the production, particularly the drums, I really don't like the way they sound. But the guitars are killers, they really sound metal, not that poppy sound as on the past three albums. One of the highlights is Pamela Moore, I think that she overshadows Geoff and Dio, to me she sounds better as compared to Mindcrime 1.
Been listening to it a few days now, and the album intrigues me...need some more listens to make a final decision... It sounds "heavy", which is a relief... Production isn't that good indeed, maybe becouse it's a pre-release version ??
I finally snagged a copy. One listen in, I can already tell this will take awhile to digest. It's not immediately accessible, but I don't think Mindcrime 1 was either. This isn't on par with the original Mindcrime, obviously, but it sounds pretty good to me on initial listen. Production does sound a little flat, but that's been their trademark. I would've preferred to hear something more modern from the soundboard to give it that extra punch.

I'm not quick to junk this like some people are. It's got potential from what I hear.
Anyone here knows if what we have is a pre-release version and the final cd will sound differently? I really doubt it, but anyway...
Now, I've just read an interview in BW&BK and Geoff talks about how the drums sound as on Operation 1, but to me they sound entirely different...
I've had this for about 2 weeks, and it is really, really good. Very intricate as mentioned above. And I just think they did a great job on the vocals, both quality and in terms of songwriting. Some of the choruses just stick, and most are light years above what they put on the last 2 albums. Not sure if anyone's mentioned the song 'Re-arrange You' yet, but it might be my favorite song on the album. After that...The Hands, I'm American, The Chase (w/DIO), Hostage, Murderer?, and If I Could Change it All are all standout tracks, IMO. DIO and Moore shine on this album. More than Tate? I don't know about that, but they both sound great. As mentioned above, Moore sounds better than ever.

If I had to label it, it reminds me of a cross between Rage for Order and HITNF (which I love, btw). Is it in my top 5 QR albums? No. But it is quite a surprise to hear them rock again with a ton of atmosphere. They sound like they're a lot more comfortable with this direction than the last 2 albums.

PS - Break out the headphones. You won't be disappointed.
I gave it few more listens and I can say that this one's a fucking monster of an album. It's a killer.

I can see that everyone seems to have different fave songs, and that's always a good sign.