Another opinion


Music for Life!
Apr 5, 2005
I've seen every form of Anthrax that's existed live, with the only exception being Anthrax w/ Joey Vera.......I was never really much of a fan of the Neil Turbin stuff.......When Joey B and Danny were still in the line-up, the shows were plain fun......From the pits to the antics on the stage there was fun everywhere.....When John was brought into the mix, the attitude changed to a slightly more serious tone (to the point of getting rid of the "Not Man")......The pits were more brutal and the stage show was fairly in your face and the thrash aspect of the music had pretty much fallen by the wayside.....Every version of the band, so far, has been viable for its time......Vocally, I prefer John because I've always liked a lower register in heavy music and I do like some of the newer versions of some of the songs on "Greater of Two Evils" better than the originals.......Be that as it may, there is still nothing like Belladonna's higher register for those older tunes.......I am looking forward to revisiting my youth with this reunion.....Ever since the internet became popular, there have been more and more people on "If you don't like what I like then you suck and you're a loser" mentality.......Along with that have been the increasing attitudes of "I wish they'd sound like they did on that one album" or "They should never have changed" or whatever else.......A band needs to constantly seek out new directions or it will grow stale......We can't expect to hear the same thing over and over again if we want our favorite bands to continue.....That type of thing will only kill a band entirely (Look at Ratt)......Anthrax has never seemed to back down from controversial directions (They were only the second act to publicly combine rap with metal).......As a fan, I kind of wished that they would have done an All-Star tour with both Bush and Belladonna......Since that really isn't a possibilty for the forseeable future, I am more than thrilled at the chance to once again be "Caught In The Mosh".......Let's just enjoy this for what it is and not for the thousands of "what ifs".........Long live Anthrax!!

Great post man..It seems like things are settling down a bit. All the fighting is a damn shame... The biggest joke to me are the fans that have been members of the boards longer are more hardcore Anthrax fans...The fact is that peopel that have been just joining this April are most likely old school fans from waaayyy back. Anthrax was out of my life for awhile but my interest has been sparked again. And just because I didn't follow them and like them through all the Bush years doesn't disquallify me as a fan. I saw them withhim once and it was great. I just could never get into teh material they released with him. I have listened, even WCFYA I heard was so great and I just didn't like it. Hey, I know Joey's voice may be a bit 80's but it is still the voice of Anthrax to me. I am entitled to my opinion without people tearing me apart as are the people that are hardcore Bush fans. I respect that.....That being said, this was the bands decision and people should just back off.....
damn right!! after all when Bush joined Trax it was more Saint then Trax. I think a lot of people could't notice the difference between the last Saint and any Bush/Trax album cause he sounds the same in both bands, great singer, strong stage performance, nothing wrong with that, but it's just not oldshool Trax!!