Another P.O.S. sellin shit on e-bay

I am going to have to create a Ebay account so I can email that fuck......When I get his address I ll post it here for ya`ll...........:hotjump:
You have to pay $4.95 a month to read the Dispatch online.

eBay was flooded with people selling the newspaper, so anyone who pays $500 for the newspaper is an idiot. (Even if eBay was not flooded, the buyer would still be an idiot.) It's not like someone is selling Pearl Harbor bombing or Dewey Defeats Truman newspapers or anything. God some people are dumb.
the media make money everyday reporting on deaths, wars, famines, starvation, natural disasters...

does the demand fuel the supply, or the supply fuel the demand?

if we all stopped buying newspapers they would go bust. they are the ones reporting bad news every day. it's big business.