Another Rarefaction Song


probably could have done with a little less gain on those guitars for more clarity. the sung vocals sound a bit too verby and in the back. otherwise just perfect!
I've already heard the first riff somewhere here ! I swear, have you already released some raw tracks of this song ?

Anyway nice, I think I heard just a little clipping at some point on the guitars, nothing too much to worry about though.
Lasse...I didn't know you're playing such a cool heavy music :D I really dig it!

In my opinion there's a lack in the lower mids and lows. I don't know but I think bass guitar could fill the gap
But overall it's a very proooooooo production man :)

I think the snare could use a bit more smack and a little less splat. Perhaps a bit more compression and a nice bump in the high mids around 2.7khz.

Maybe a tiny bit more reverb on the drums?

Guitars are still a little funky around 4.7k on this one, i think its kind of interfering with the bass growl a little bit and perhaps the lower overtones of the cymbals.

Sounding great otherwise.
I really like this mix lasse, only thing is I think the snare may be a little dry in some of the slower paced sections. But that's a taste thing I guess, I'm to used to plastering slate room all over everything.