another silly band to hate on


Sep 30, 2007
not as bad as attack attack but.....I think I saw these guys 20 years ago when they were called Pretty Boy Floyd.
chic drummer, blasko produced, guitarist from Amen
Its a good job you mentioned which one was the chick because otherwise I would have come to the conclusion that this was an all girl band.

It really is a sad state of affairs when dudes decide to look like chicks..I don't think I will ever understand it.

oh and from 3.10 onwards with the kids WTF!?
Its a good job you mentioned which one was the chick because otherwise I would have come to the conclusion that this was an all girl band.

It really is a sad state of affairs when dudes decide to look like chicks..I don't think I will ever understand it.

oh and from 3.10 onwards with the kids WTF!?

The kids, I think it is their entire fanbase. Sad thing, this cd has already sold more than the last Dream theatre cd. Sad thing is all you need is someone to believe they can make money off of you to get you famous. Dont even need much talent, just look pretty on the package. I'm sure they will go away fast though. I just dont know where all these kids with the piercings and tatoos are going to get jobs when they have to get real jobs some day. I dont even think mcdonalds would hire you with a comb over, facial tats and enough metal in your face to get direct tv channels. Ill have the hardcore hamburger and freaky french fries with a devil diet coke please.
I don't feel the need to hate on anything but it's OK to have a laugh. Unfortunately this just left me blank faced.

I'm starting to not get shocked with all these new bands. Is this bad? :confused:
I kind of liked the bridge of the song, but i'm a sucker for pretty much any neo-classical harmonies, which unfortunately are being way over done these days. the solo was meh, dude needs to learn to bend his stings like a MAN (and dress like one too).

pretty much, this sounds like trivium did 5-6 years ago, only gayer.
I don't even understand these bands from a business point of view. I mean, why sign them at all? This entire genre is pretty much 100% completely worked out. It's a seam that has been mined to the bedrock. The level of revenue that can be recouped from this sure can't equal the investment in eyeliner alone. So why bother?

I;m sure we all see a ton of bands like this pass our local attention span, but most of them can be forgiven for simply trying to emulate their latest fad before their instrumental skills evolve beyond such things. But it seems to me whoever authorities the budget for producing such utterly hackneyed bullshit need a serious lesson in long term finance....
I just turned 21 last month. I'm not old yet and I still can't stomach this stuff.:puke::err:

I'll turn 23 next month, but I still feel too old for that shit :puke:
Seems they aim for the 10-14 year olds who don't know yet if they like boyz or girlz, so they aim at the "you can choose yourself, we go androgyne" way. :ill: