Another Small Haul

Jul 21, 2003
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Adramelech Psychostasia- Risen from the ashes of the first incarnation of Demigod, Adramelech authored several releases in the vein of the legendary Slumber or Sullen Eyes, of which this is probably the best. Though the basic style pioneered by Demigod remains intact (forlorn melodies desparately trying to escape from the vortextual swirl of alternately cascading and pummelling rhythms), this is generally simpler material less possessed of the epic sensibilities of their creative template, and more reliant on the artificial introduction of melody through leadwork rather than incorporating it fully through tonal elements of riffing. In partial compensation, this is more viscerally immediate release than the often abstracted majesty of Slumber of Sullen Eyes.

Ancient Rites Blasphemia Eternal- Like a more sophisticated version of mid-period Acheron, this is epic death metal forged from simple elements of melody and bombastic percussion. Melodic NWOBHM riffs march to militaristic rhythms as stiffly cadenced vocals bark the time, the will to conquer forming forming the steel heart of these battle hymns.
Yes, this upcoming Graveland sounds rather good, epic though rawer and metal as hell, this one will once again surpass their previous releases,

mini_hawl 2n8 > Behemoth 'Bewitching the Pomerania'