So I recently got this compilation from War Office Propaganda "Gloria Victis Vae Victis" and there's some pretty good stuff on here. More outstanding martial music + some neofolk. It seems this War Office Propaganda label has a considerable amount of good bands under its wing. The Cold Fusion and Rukkanor tracks impressed me particularly... Impressive militaristic martial / neoclassical stuff, very much like Triarii, and to a lesser extent Storm of Capricorn or H.E.R.R.
Anyway, I thought you guys might like. Links are good for 10 downloads or for 7 days. I'll probably end up reuploading the stuff for spaffe since I don't think he can download it in Kola Lumpur or wherever it is he's posting from at the moment.
Here's the tracklisting and some of the songs I thought were particularly outstanding:
01. Cawatana - Tears Of Centuries
02. Cold Fusion - Ad Carthaginem
03. Der Arbeiter - La Espera
04. Rukkanor - Gloria Victis, Vae Victis
05. Omnicore - Substitute For Victory
06. Stahlwerk 9 - Your Job In Germany
07. The Well of Sadness - The Day When One Accepts The Death
08. Harvest Rain - Thule's Pale Bloom
09. Belborn - Vorbei
10. Out Of Sight - Skilled Workers
11. Parzival - Mechanismus
12. AIT! - Julia
13. Mushroom Patience - Tal
14. Neutral - Long Miles Of War
15. Rasthof Dachau - Die Letzte Loge
16. Krepulec - Triumph
17. Toroidh - For The Fallen Ones
18. Karjalan Sissit - Requiem - Out From This World
19. H.E.R.R. - An Auditorium In Retrospect Self-Aspect
20. Vishudha Kali - Namaste