Another "where are they now?" guitar hero thread - Vito Bratta.


Formerly Ulster Mosher.
I always thought Vito was a fantastic guitarist, Mike Tramp was a fantastic vocalist and White Lion were a fantastic band. Mike went to Freak of Nature, who are the 2nd best live band I have ever had the privilege to see play live, and meet. 2nd live to Anthrax, and 2nd best to meet after Pantera. Ive never met 'Thrax. I have followed Mike Tramp's career with interest and have all his solo stuff, and I love it to bits, but whatever happened to Vito? From what I can see, by the research I have done of late, he has disappeared without trace. Another wasted talent. Any ideas on this one?
A friend of mine and I looked him up on the net a few years ago out of curiousity and I guess he just retired. Doesn't play at all anymore. I liked White Lion too, Vito could shred. While looking this up we found out that Badlands singer died of AIDS a long time ago...remember Dreams in the Dark?

Ahh...the 80's...
sufferer said:
A friend of mine and I looked him up on the net a few years ago out of curiousity and I guess he just retired. Doesn't play at all anymore. I liked White Lion too, Vito could shred. While looking this up we found out that Badlands singer died of AIDS a long time ago...remember Dreams in the Dark?

Ahh...the 80's...

Badlands fucking ruled!