Anthem of the Cheat


May 12, 2009
What happened to it?

I can't seam to find it anywhere, and any old links I've found are broken =/
This is 100% speculation, but it wouldn't surprise me if Matt took it down once the Heat won the NBA Championship last year. The entire point of the song is kind of moot now, sadly :(

I bought it off iTunes: worth every penny!
Yeah...maybe the worst thing about those knuckleheads winning a title is that they ruined a perfectly good song!
Still seven more to go, though. ;)

Come on Matt, the video is still hilarious when if it's not entirely accurate. Put it back up!
Speculation?!? I have Australian iTunes open right now, and Anthem of the Cheat is still available for purchase.

Aish, I was prefacing my own speculation about Matt's intent in taking it down (from YouTube: that's why all of the OP's links are broken).

I wasn't speaking to it being on iTunes :)