Anthrax at the Whisky


New Metal Member
Mar 20, 2004
Hey guys. I just found out the other night that Anthrax is going to be at the Whisky on April 8th, and I am all stoked cause I listened to them as I was growing up but never had the chance to see them.
I found out about this concert when I went to the Whisky to see Hemlock and Scission. I guess Scission will be opening for Anthrax and they are very excited about it.
Will there be many of you going to this show?
Well, if any of you live in that area and have not gotten tickets yet, I know that Ryan of Scission will have tickets for sale....$20 flat, no fee.
If you have not checked out Scission, here is thier link.
Not my intent to spam, but that band is playing at that show, so I am hoping some of you might enjoy a preview.
Im hoping to see an Anthrax merch booth there! \m/