Anthrax going to ozzfest?


New Metal Member
Mar 28, 2005
Is anthrax going to be the band to fill the spot on the first stage? I was just on and it's on there that they're goin. But doesn't have them yet? so are they or are they not goin?
Well if it takes getting Joey and danny back to make Sharon happy, and play a 45 minute set in the blazing heat, you can count me out! I will however be at Ozzfest to see Iron Maiden! I'll just go drink beer while Joey embarrases this once legendary band.
TD said:
Well if it takes getting Joey and danny back to make Sharon happy, and play a 45 minute set in the blazing heat, you can count me out! I will however be at Ozzfest to see Iron Maiden! I'll just go drink beer while Joey embarrases this once legendary band.

"This once legendary band"

Guess who was the singer when they were 'legendary' oh yeah Joey.

You are seriously a fucking pile of shit.

Go drink you beer, listen to 'safe home' in your headphones, and jack off to the photo of john bush while 20 thousand old school Metal fans see what they have wanted to see ever since Joey had left the band.
Jesus, people are there not already a billion other threads about this very topic?

Anyway, to answer your question, no body knows for sure yet. I have seen a hundred web sites that say Anthrax is playing. I have seen a bunch more that say they are playing with the old line up, and I have seen others that say they will not be playing at all. So, once again, I think it might be best if just wait another few days and see what this new and improved web site has to say for itself.

Ozzfest is right around the corner, somebody in the band is going to have to talk sooner or later.
I´ve just noticed that this Iron Maiden Asshole doesn´t piss me off THAT much when he finally got his dick off the caps lock.
I have said it before and I will say it again. I am a fan of Anthrax. Not Joey or John - but the whole band. I would never call myself a fan if I only liked one era. Considering that both eras are almost equal in time - that is a lot to dislike.

Only a few more days people.
Thrillho said:
I have said it before and I will say it again. I am a fan of Anthrax. Not Joey or John - but the whole band. I would never call myself a fan if I only liked one era. Considering that both eras are almost equal in time - that is a lot to dislike.

Only a few more days people.
I'm a fan of the band as well, but they're a better band with John at the helm!
Whether or not Joey and Danny stay in the band is directly correlated to how well the tour/tours do. If it bombs, the next record will be with Bush. If not, say hello to the classic lineup from now on.

Sorry to be the voice of reason.
Thrillho said:
there is always a "but" isn't there?

If you like them unconditionally you are what's known as a "fanboy." FOR EXAMPLE: "I am a fan of Metallica, and that means that even though I wish to piss on Lars for recording a steaming pile of feces known as "St. Anger," I will still like that musical era of the band." THAT'S CALLED BEING A FANBOY.
coolsnow7 said:
"I am a fan of Metallica, and that means that even though I wish to piss on Lars for recording a steaming pile of feces known as "St. Anger," I will still like that musical era of the band." THAT'S CALLED BEING A FANBOY.

Actually that would be considered a "FAG-BOY"

Anyone that supports Metallica's sell out bullshit antics is nothing but a sheep. I don't like the Bush Era Anthrax much but they didn't sell out just changed a bit. Metallica straight up sold out and anyone that seriously thinks differently fuckin brainwashed
ironmaidenfan09 said:
Actually that would be considered a "FAG-BOY"

Anyone that supports Metallica's sell out bullshit antics is nothing but a sheep. I don't like the Bush Era Anthrax much but they didn't sell out just changed a bit. Metallica straight up sold out and anyone that seriously thinks differently fuckin brainwashed
Is that all you ever talk about? "I HATE METALLICA OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Just to stir a bit, I think St Anger has it's plus points, but seriously; what was Lars thinking with that fucking snare sound?!
I Don't Die said:
Sorry haha.

haha no worrries. Nice avatar, Pantera is my favorite band of all time, well them and Maiden are close. But for a band that makes me want to go out and punch someone in the face, Pantera takes the honors! :headbang:
ironmaidenfan09 said:
Actually that would be considered a "FAG-BOY"

Anyone that supports Metallica's sell out bullshit antics is nothing but a sheep. I don't like the Bush Era Anthrax much but they didn't sell out just changed a bit. Metallica straight up sold out and anyone that seriously thinks differently fuckin brainwashed

We get it already. You LOVE Joey and you HATE Metallica.

Guess what? There are others who do not share your opinion. They are called "different". Learn to respect that.