Anthrax in Vice City!


changed by the shock
Nov 18, 2001
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Hey, I just checked out the rock soundtrack from GTA Vice City and guess whose in it? That's right... Anthrax! The song Madhouse is there along with Megadeth, Slayer, Judas, Motely, Maiden... 80's bliss!

BTW, this is gonna be the greatest game ever!
man that is one old skool soundtrack, wicked stuff, better than the pop punk shit that fiulls up most games these days and result in me playing silent video games
Haven't heard Anthrax...yet...
I got this game a few hours ago.
It rules (of course)!
Sweet. I stole a car and listened to "Madhouse" while running over prostitutes.:headbang:
The next song was "Raining Blood". :headbang:
This game RULES!
This soundtrack is the shiznizzle! I started running down whores to RAINING BLOOD, and it seemed perfectly natural....and, yes, there is something disturbing about that.
When I picked this game up, I knew there'd be a metal station, but I didn't know the details...

First car I get into, I tune it to VRock, and hear "Madhouse" going... I was like "Holy shit, this is bonkaz!"

When they followed with "Raining Blood", I freaked. I flipped out and killed everyone I saw. First time I've gotten over 4 stars with just a handgun haha.