Anthrax - Milwaukee, WI - 10.16.2010


Aug 22, 2003
Holy fuck! This show was amazing. The guys tore shit up, and blew Megadeth away. I missed most of Slayer's set so I can't really tell you if the 'Thrax guys beat them out or not. The crowd was absolutely apeshit.

The reason for missing most of Slayer was 'cause I was down on the bus with the guys (Except for Rob...don't know where he was). This was my first time meeting Joey, and he was really down to earth. Super nice guy, and I hope I get to meet him again.

Thrax opened with Caught in a Mosh, then went straight in to Madhouse, and then Antisocial. Then my time in the photo pit was up. I'm super tired right now, and very fuzzy on the rest of the set list. I know they played A.I.R., Metal Thrashing Mad, Among The Living, and Indians. No Only or Fight 'em which was a bit of a bummer. There were more songs in there, but my brain is fried.

My photo pass was for Anthrax only which kind of sucked, but I got some killer shots. I'll get to posting them eventually. I'm currently importing all my photos to Lightroom for tweaking. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some shots to share. are the first round of photos. More will be coming soon. Enjoy...





_DSC7582.jpg are the first round of photos. More will be coming soon. Enjoy...






Great shots! Nice work. I don't think I will ever get used to Rob's look. That beanie, tight pants, purple guitar, dude needs a make over or some shit lol.

Thats awesome you enjoyed the show. From everything I have read Anthrax with Joey is a horrible live act, just ask Jonnie
Great shot!!

(The first shot of Frankie not so much ...)

Thanks man. Yeah...I don't many of Frankie that are real standouts. The man just moves around so much, and the autofocus on my camera isn't fast enough to keep up with him. I need a new camera.