Anthrax Mosher


Feb 9, 2005
Is it me, or does this guy seem like a person planted by the band, management, or record company (probably not)

I mean as soon as everyone starts ragging on this reunion he automatically appears, praising Belladonna, then starts asking about people's favorite version of "Bring The Noise", listing the band's catalog and wondering if everyone knew about the Hot Topic exclusive t-shirt.


btw - What is the deal with Dan Spitz's website, what a joke. They are willing to get rid of Rob for this moron?
It's obvious that by starting this thread, you SaviourSelf are not a TRUE FAN!

He certainly seems too over the top to be a real person, or he's 14 years old. After reading the user comments on Blabbermouth for a few years, it's frighteningly apparent people like this really exsist, and the fact he's a Belladonna fan means he's well into his adult years so the kid scenario is out. Or it could be someone working a gimmick to stir shit up. Your guess is as good as mine.
I think he's legit. Some die-hard BELLADONNA fan.

Anthrax wouldn't have someone post shit for them.
LouieFatterson said:
He certainly seems too over the top to be a real person, or he's 14 years old.

and the fact he's a Belladonna fan means he's well into his adult years so the kid scenario is out.

Or it could be someone working a gimmick to stir shit up. Your guess is as good as mine.

you have no idea.