Anthrax & Red Bull


Anthrax totally Axl Rose'd us - 2 guys got into a fight and Red Bull stopped the whole show

We waited for Six Hours and they played 3 songs

1) What Doesn't Die
2) Madhouse
3) Bring The Noise w/Chuck D

The P.A. was fucked up so we couldn't hear Dan or Chuck that loudly


WORSHIP MUSIC!!!!:headbang:
Just found this on youtube. Shame WDD isn't there but still cool.

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first and foremost I want to say that it was not Anthrax's fault that the show was stopped.

It took me and my bro like 4hrs to get to the show due to a car exploding on the highway near the NY CT boarder, unreal. Then we get to the show and there is no parking... so we walk in the freezing cold only to get there and freeze our asses off.

PS. who ever the fat dude was that was walking around the event in short sleeves and shorts on... your not cool, your a fucking idiot, your statement was made. You are dumb. I hope you didn't get sick.

Anyway, it was so fucking cold that we didn't even stay, our feet where acutally hurting it was so cold. On the way back to CT I got word form someone "inside" the band, and they were totally disappointed and bummed out, alot of work went into that show... all for 2 songs, and a fucked PA on Noise....

If anything, for the sponsor and the people that put this show together, why did they even bother having a band play!!!

first and foremost I want to say that it was not Anthrax's fault that the show was stopped.

It took me and my bro like 4hrs to get to the show due to a car exploding on the highway near the NY CT boarder, unreal. Then we get to the show and there is no parking... so we walk in the freezing cold only to get there and freeze our asses off.

PS. who ever the fat dude was that was walking around the event in short sleeves and shorts on... your not cool, your a fucking idiot, your statement was made. You are dumb. I hope you didn't get sick.

Anyway, it was so fucking cold that we didn't even stay, our feet where acutally hurting it was so cold. On the way back to CT I got word form someone "inside" the band, and they were totally disappointed and bummed out, alot of work went into that show... all for 2 songs, and a fucked PA on Noise....

If anything, for the sponsor and the people that put this show together, why did they even bother having a band play!!!


That sucks man. I just got this from their management. I'm trying to post it on the website, but my FTP connection is being a bitch...

"We want to apologize to our fans who came out to the Red Bull event
last night in the hellish cold to see us play. Originally, we were
to go on just before 9PM and play for 45-minutes. One of the
snowboarding events ran very late which caused us to delay the start of our set.
That, and a curfew we were not informed about until 9:30PM snowballed
into an unfortunate situation that was beyond our control . As we were walking to the stage, we were instructed to cut our set to three songs, and no one was more surprised than us when they cut the PA before
we could finish the third song. We are particularly mortified that
this happened when our good friend, Chuck D, had just taken the stage
for “Bring the Noise”. We extend our apologies to him.

Nothing like this has ever happened to Anthrax before, and we
regret that it happened last night. Thank you to those who came out to support and once again our sincere apologies"