Anthrax: Sydney Instore Details

thats cool just a pity i cant take anything to get signed with the show on the same night,ahh it will just be cool to shake there hands and say they are the shit!
didnt go to the instore,u cant blame anthrax but it woulda been better if they done an instore the next moring or something,i woulda loved to get some cds signed and take a few pics but with the instore at 5pm just hours from the show i would have to come home and dump the stuff off as it woulkd be pretty silly holding cds and a camera all thru the gig,in a way its cool that i havent met them it just adds that mystic to it.
Anyone on here who went - how was the instore. What sort of turnout did it get??

Mr Thrax - that's the beauty of Adelaide mate. You coulda gone to the instore at 5, dumped all the signed shit off home at 6, and been back at the venue for the gig by 7!!!
Just being a smart-arse!!!!!
timmyc said:
Anyone on here who went - how was the instore. What sort of turnout did it get??

Mr Thrax - that's the beauty of Adelaide mate. You coulda gone to the instore at 5, dumped all the signed shit off home at 6, and been back at the venue for the gig by 7!!!
Just being a smart-arse!!!!!
hahahaha thanks for those words of wisdom!!!

the gig was fucking great,only thing is they didnt play much off the new record,what doesnt die and safe home was it,maybe tonight they throw in superhero nobody knows...

they better play inside out,my mind is a little fuzzy but i am sure it did not get played lol
Yeah we only got Safe Home and WDD too. I reakon if you get anymore from WCFYA, it'll be Nobody Knows..... We got Inside Out in Adelaide and it slayed!!!!! Enjoy yourself.
The instore was OK, the only band memeber interested in the fans was John Bush, he shook hands with every one and was quite chatty. The other guys seemed distant.

The gig itself (sydney -monday night) was absolutely mind-blowing. Killswitch and Soilwork did a fine job, but were forgotten about when Anthrax hit the stage. The older tracks were very welcome and John Bush doing a stage dive off 3 metres of speakers was awesome.

Best live metal band I have seen!!!!!!
Just got home from the Melb and Sydney shows and am very tired, but I thought I would quickly reply to this.

Firstly Anthrax knew nothing of the instore until I told them about it in Melb. I metioned that the instore was on Monday in Sydney and they had no idea it was even booked so they had to change the schedule around to even fit it in. They did not want to piss any of thier loyal fans off. Also the guys have been very sick and had not one day off since being in Oz.

The instore went great and there were a heap of people there to say hello. So many people bought more than one item and the band stayed until everything was signed. They genuinely give a shit about their fans and being with them for 3 days solid proved it to me. Not that I ever had a doubt.
