Antigama - Discomfort


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Antigama - Discomfort
Self Made God Records - SMG015 - April 15th, 2005
By Josh Phillips


Antigama are a grind/noise band hailing from, interestingly enough, Poland. More known for its big name Death Metal bands such as Behemoth, Decapitated, Vader, etc., Antigama's latest album won't find itself at the top of my Polish playlist, but the reasons for that surpass the fact that they simply aren't a DM band. Those unacquainted with metal would often say that what we listen to is "just noise." Well, if the only band they had listened to is Antigama, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss them.

If any idea of incorporating melody into their music ever went through this band's head, they quickly tore it down, burnt it and pissed on the ashes. Not necessarily a bad thing, Antigama creates a thick, technical wall of sound, blasting away relentlessly while vocalist Lucas mimics the flow of the music with his shouts, screams and growls. Only about 23 minutes of actual music are contained on this record, so this band makes sure that every moment of their second full-length is extreme and noisy as fook. Despite that, the band is still able to construct some grooving riffs underneath it all. Lots of speed in every facet of the band and tempo shifts galore. This album is really utter chaos with the tracks shifting and blending together so quickly it's hard to tell where you are on this beast. Highlight of the album would be "Save Copy As...", despite the fact that I'd rather give that award to track 9, "Shit from Arse" for its wonderful title. Final track "fala (The Seed Remix)" shows off the band's experimental side, blending electronics further into use to close the album with a bang.

This is fast, this is brutal, this is technical, this is what grind is meant to be. But, having said that, this isn't really my cup of tea and the lack of variation and the blur that this album is doesn't make it incredibly appealing or interesting. If you like bands such as Crowpath or Pig Destroyer, you may want to give this a test run and see how it fits you.


Official Antigama Website
Official Self Made God Records Website