Anubis Gate???


Nov 30, 2004
I thought these guys had a new album in the can! Anyone know what the hold-up is? Can't find any info anywhere. Their last album, The Detached was awesome!

I was never that crazy about Jacob Hansen on vocals but it might be because it sounds like they added a lot of effects to his voice.

I'm excited for Henrik Fevre (bassist) to take over. Listen to "Take Me Home" from Andromeda Unchained which has him on lead vocals. Hopefully they don't add a lot of effects though, he sounds great on his own.
I thought these guys had a new album in the can! Anyone know what the hold-up is? Can't find any info anywhere. Their last album, The Detached was awesome!


Im having a hard time finding ( Andromeda Unchained) by ( Anibus Gate):loco:
Thats Because I have an attention span of a mouse, Im all over the place,,, If im listening to a cd, & after 3 or 4 tracks, I loose intrest if it doesnt grab me.... I might go throught 5 or 6 cds a night that way,,,,, very rarley do I go through a whole cd in its entirerdy,,,,,I Drive my Wife nuts....She keeps coming downstairs saying "" Know what are you Listening too)
It should be mentioned that there is a preview of the first track at that link. It sounds good! I'm glad to hear they don't have any weird effects on Henrik's voice like they did for Jacob Hansen.