Anvil Chorus - The Killing Sun


Graphic Design
Sep 14, 2009
Orlando, FL
Just wanted to give a heads up about this CD. It just came out last week on Rockadrome Records. This is the debut album by the underground band from San Francisco that has been around forever, but just now released their debut album.

Anyway, I can't recommend this CD enough. I can't stop listening to it. The band put so much work into the songs and you can tell. I've been listening to this CD nonstop for over a week and I love it! Check it out if you get a chance!
Holy crap, these guys are still around?!? I have a tape of one of their live shows from the '80's (someone sent me this along with a tape of an early Metallica show from the bay area a million years ago). I'll have to get this.

Yes, they are still around. I can't believe it either. It's one of those bands I had heard about, but had not actually heard until recently.

I can't recommend this CD enough-- easily one of my favorites (if not THE favorite) of the year. Every song is good!