ANVIL the movie! - Screening Wed June 18th in Sydney!

Anywhere round the world you may be make sure you somehow get to see this film! Massive amounts of respect for Lips and Co. for sticking with the music they love for so long dspite the lack of commercial sucess and all the uphill battles they have faced.
Be great if this movie brings more attention to a legendary band that has just gone under the radar for too long.


18TH JUNE 7.30pm
624 George Street
Bookings (02) 9550 3666

Screening Anvil! The Story of Anvil!
In 1982 Canadian band Anvil released one of the heaviest metal albums ever, Metal on Metal. The album sold millions of copies, influenced a generation of musicians - Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax amongst those interviewed here - and the band went on to work-a-day jobs and obscurity. Sacha Gervasi's hilarious and endearing film riffs on the mockumentary approach of Spinal Tap to tell the very real story of Steve 'Lips' Kudlow and Robb Reiner whose friendship is based on teenage musical ambitions that have lasted 35 years. Still bounding with comeback optimism (not always shared by their ever patient families) they embark on a hopelessly mismanaged European tour and invest all their savings in recording a new album with renowned metal producer Chris Tsangarides. Gervasi takes his camera along for the raucously rock'n ride.

The only heartwarming film ever made about a heavy metal band. Kenny Turan, LA Times

No other film that I saw at Sundance brought me to tears as much as 'Anvil!'... a hilarious and moving tribute to two 50-year-old guys who won't give up on their dream.
Anthony Kaufman, Wall Street Journal

One of the most talked about films at the Sundance Film Festival this year... Some of the scenes in 'Anvil' are so outrageous, it feels like this must be a Spinal Tap sequel. It isn't. These guys are for real. 'Anvil! The Story of Anvil': The year's great rock movie? Pete Maiden, Rolling Stone

Show - No Life 'Til Leather's Sultan of Sin
For some, heavy metal, spandex, hairspray and Jack Daniel's are a way of life. for the world renowned Sultan Of Sin, they're more important than life itself. Direct from the gutters of Sunset Strip, straight from the backseat of Lit Ford's car, no life 'Til Leather's resident DJ has a party in his pocket and you know he's gonna rock it.

7.30pm DJ: Sultan of Sin
8.30pm movie
10.00pm DJ: Sultan of Sin
Tickets $20

18TH JUNE 7.30pm

Bookings (02) 9550 3666

Screening Anvil! The Story of Anvil!
In 1982 Canadian band Anvil released one of the heaviest metal albums ever, Metal on Metal. The album sold millions of copies, influenced a generation of musicians - Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax amongst those interviewed here - and the band went on to work-a-day jobs and obscurity. Sacha Gervasi's hilarious and endearing film riffs on the mockumentary approach of Spinal Tap to tell the very real story of Steve 'Lips' Kudlow and Robb Reiner whose friendship is based on teenage musical ambitions that have lasted 35 years.

For those planning on going to the Sydney screening this Wed, there will be pre drinks at Bar Ace @ 7pm!:kickass:
Best Metal doco/film i've ever seen!!
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll bang your fucking head!
And i guarantee if you don't feel sincerity and respect towards the band at the end of the movie you have no heart and no place to call yourself a Metalhead!
Every Metal fan should see this! Inspirational!!:worship:

Was bloody great to see you there mate and I endorse everything you said. Classic and heartwarming movie, even for those who don't like heavy metal.

The fact that I went home and listened to 'Metal on metal' (and thoroughly enjoyed it) says it all...

Bring on Dan Beehler and the Exciter movie!
Umm off the top of my head, you could go to those cult movie nights in Annandale. If he still does them...
I'm not sure if he still does, but he used to do many things on the radio. That could be another contact alleyway.
Just search man. See what you find.