any body like spiral architect

Zero Hour has never been, and will never be, tech, in any way. Pretty mediocre musicians too, especially the guitarist. That sweeping lick in their new song on that he repeats about 348 times is sooooo badly played (as is his solo album).
I'm a big liker of Spiral Architect... I just wish they'd make another album goddamnit!
what does the now playing thing mean

well anyways ya zero hours alright i got one cd and it was a little wee bit boring
Taedium Vitae said:
Zero Hour has never been, and will never be, tech, in any way. Pretty mediocre musicians too, especially the guitarist. That sweeping lick in their new song on that he repeats about 348 times is sooooo badly played (as is his solo album).
I'm a big liker of Spiral Architect... I just wish they'd make another album goddamnit!

Well I think your fucking wroung about all your stament. Zero Hour are a buch of excellent musicians...did you listen to Tower of avarice ? I think it is Technical and progressive, sure not as prog as Spastic ink or Spiral Architect but they fit just fine with those guys.

Now about Spiral Architect, they are excellent too. Go buy the album now, it's money well spend. I'll also suggest Tower of Avarice by Zero Hour, I'm sure Asgeir would agree as he sometimes comes here. :headbang:
what are you guys, still in highschool? "ohh, this isnt tech. did you hear about this and that? let me masturbate my guitar with some circus sounding bullcrap. if you dont play perfectly in technique or whats considered acceptable to the 'technical metal idiot parade' you will be bad mouthed on the internet."

who cares what is tech and whats not? masturbation of instrument and theory isnt everything in music by any means. music isnt always about being a technically sound robot or a machine. let us know when you release your own bands CD so we can laugh at it and say how crappy it is.

arent you the same person who said you couldnt figure out anything to play after 5 years? i wonder why.

Taedium Vitae said:
Zero Hour has never been, and will never be, tech, in any way. Pretty mediocre musicians too, especially the guitarist. That sweeping lick in their new song on that he repeats about 348 times is sooooo badly played (as is his solo album).
I'm a big liker of Spiral Architect... I just wish they'd make another album goddamnit!
Gee, things got angry here!

I personally think Zero Hour are rather technical, just because guys like Ron hack them to pieces doesn't mean that they're bad musicians, hey! ;)

By the way, a good band with a more melodic approach, but with the technical abilities to equal most other musicians are Andromeda. Anybody heard them? They're one of my favourite better-than-Dream Theater bands. The singer sounds quite crappy on their first album, but the songs are cool, and it all sounds excellent on "II=I".
Nice. Only band I've heard whose style introduces modern chromatic music to progressive metal. Interesting stuff, and pretty good vocals.
i wouldnt say there better then dream theater because dream theater can pretty much do any style of music

and by the way dont give me crap about how thay are over rated because people like them because there good muscicians not just crapy down tuned nu-metal

nu metal sucks sooooo incredibly bad i was wtching headbangers ball last night and i couldnt believe how much crap they have on that show nothing is good they play on there
Speaking of nu-metal.....

so your saying hes nu metal just by the way hes dressed thts pretty freakin shallow

and do you think hes serious about how hes dressing i dont think so
SupersonicRobotic said:
what are you guys, still in highschool? "ohh, this isnt tech. did you hear about this and that? let me masturbate my guitar with some circus sounding bullcrap. if you dont play perfectly in technique or whats considered acceptable to the 'technical metal idiot parade' you will be bad mouthed on the internet."
Oh my. Is this your favourite band or something? I'm sorry I just want to uphold some kind of distantly reasonable standard in describing bands, for making it easy recommending bands to others. The original poster somehow connected Spiral Architect and Zero Hour and the only thing they have in common is that they're both on Sensory. Musically they're about 3 galaxies apart.
who cares what is tech and whats not? masturbation of instrument and theory isnt everything in music by any means. music isnt always about being a technically sound robot or a machine. let us know when you release your own bands CD so we can laugh at it and say how crappy it is.
Stop being silly. I listen to lots of "easy" stuff. Wannabe tech is not my thing though.
arent you the same person who said you couldnt figure out anything to play after 5 years? i wonder why.
Yeah, so? Maybe I'm not content stooping so low as to playing uninspired abject crap like Zero Hour does. I fail to see what writer's block has to do with this anyway.

I think your little tantrum had more to do with high school than my comment on Zero Hour did.
Actually......I think this is especially relevant here. I don't have Watchtower albums....but I listened to some, and my impression of Spiral Architect is that they're influenced by Watchtower quite a bit. I'll revisit Watchtower and check on that again.
jo jo said:
so your saying hes nu metal just by the way hes dressed thts pretty freakin shallow

and do you think hes serious about how hes dressing i dont think so

I've been through the whole 10 page discussion on Octavarium, and I don't think it's very good. And yes, it draws a huge amount from modern rock. In fact, one song is a ripoff of Muse.

I was just posting the picture because you mentioned Dream Theater, nu-metal, and I had just found the picture and was having a good laugh at it. And I can't imagine why anyone would buy Hot Topic pants and wear them as a joke, but if that's his cup of tea, then good for him.

Okay....let's try to keep this on Spiral Architect. Sorry about that, I couldn't resist.