Any decent metal studios in Scotland?


needs to post more
Apr 9, 2009
Hey, well by band were about half way through recording ourselves when baisicly we decided it wasn't working, we need something professional.

The problem we now face is that the local studio here sucks serious balls and we need a studio that will get a thick drums sound and tight guitar tone (this could potentially be done through my incoming E530) and a producer who wont layer tonnes of distortion over the vocals.

Bare in mind we have a limited fund but feel free to suggest anywhere in the central belt sorta area
pay for my train up to scotland and food and i'll come record you guys ;) hha
Hey, well by band were about half way through recording ourselves when baisicly we decided it wasn't working, we need something professional.

Good luck with that, I have yet to hear anything of even a semi-professional recording level come out of Scotland. :erk:
Gavin would know. Although I guess he always went over to Germany to work with Lasse.

So basically...... no :erk:
Give Machinated a shout (on this forum somewhere lol)
ud prob need to make a wee trip down South but it would be worth it!

or you can do what we did and record everything urself and send it to him to mix.
send DI'd guitar tracks and he will reamp them, im sure if u got a decent overhead mix on the drums
he could re sample the rest of the kit as he did on our 1st demo.
cheers for the replies guys

I kinda feared this is what would happen :/

I'll wait and see how good I can get my Engl to sound when it arrives then possibly just use programmed drums

thanks anyway guys