Any Dissection fans here?

I am too. Just remember the time when I first heard Storm... Yet 2 years to wait, it seems, before we have a chance of hearing something new from him...
One of the best bands... To bad their career ended like it did with only 2 full length studio recordings... But what a career... The Somberlain is one of the best metal albums a person can get...
Originally posted by ~UlvedaL~
Cant wait until Jon´s release either...
Do you know when he is coming out?

wow. so john's actually gay

*inappropriate humour silence*

But of course Dissection are the best band ever, so I don't even think they should have put him in jail in the first place, it's just plain wrong.

Do you reckon Jon will come out of jail with a skinhead and a string vest?
I first heard of Dissection through a sampler I got at this one place Dark Realm REcords. Their song "Frozen" was on it but in demo form and i was blown away. I was barely getting into Black metal at the time and that song just made Black metal amazing for me. I hope that Dissection records again.... they are legends in the scene and only have 2 albums out... they can pull off some more classics i know it.
Originally posted by Somberlain
'Storm of the Lights bane' is my number one C.D...I am yet to find something that will take its place....

Somberlain blows it out of the water...(in my opinion)
I find that Somberlain utilizes the techniques that make their style, well, 'their style'.... more than that on 'Storm...'

Night's Blood is fantastic, though...