Any Fear Factory fans out there?


Apr 27, 2004
If any of you are Fear Factory fans, what do you think of the new album 'Archetype'?

I think it's awesome. They're back to form after going down the drain with Digimortal.

Fear Factory kicks ass!!! And Raymond is my second favourite drummer ever. (My favourite being Igor from Sepultura)
Sorry, I've never found a way to really get into that band. I had bought their debut when it came out because I was hugely into Death Metal at that particular time but sold it soon afterwards as I didn't like it that much. I guess it was too much Industrial for me.
i'm a big ff fan,and i've liked all thier releases,including digimortal and thier new album archetype.
i'm a bit sad they got rid of dino.i liked him.
i saw them live on monday night,and they were appalingly bad however.not what i'm used to from them.
im glad to hear the new fear factory is getin back to basics i was really shocked to hear digimortal i dont even know where that cd is in my house!! soul of the new machine is a must have for any metal head its a really under rated mastepiece. saw them a few months ago in vancouver and it was killer they played tons of old shit including scumgreif and demanufacture. i was sorry to hear that dino quit but moving christian onto guitar was a great idea. i was also excited to hear that local vancouver hero byron of strapping young lad had taken the job as bassist. even without dino they still put on a hell of a show. burton and ray were deadly. and to think that just a year ago i thought we had seen the last of one of the great american metal bands.
I like FF quite a bit and allthough the new album gets them back to the basics a bit more, I found I didn't like about half of the songs. Not sure why but they didn't sit well with me. Demanufacture is their best to date and it would be incredible if they topped it somehow. It is better than Digimortal, though.
Victim of Deception said:
Demanufacture is definately their finest work, followed by Obsolete.
Same for me, I was a big fan when Demanfacture came out and there are a couple of good things on Obsolete but I forgot about them since that time...