Any Graphic designers here?

Oct 4, 2006
I'm just curious if anyone has any decent skills in creating graphics in terms of signatures, banners, wallpapers.

Reason I'm asking is I'm trying to find someone who'd be willing to help me out with 2 images that I'd love to have created. As I have literally no skill in creating them on my own.

I used to go on these like graphic forums, but they only do like specific things for those specific forums.

So yeah if anyone is willing to help me out with this, let me know and I'll hit you up with a pm with what I'm looking for basically.

I can take a crack at it, I'm into the hobby and have some schooling under my belt.
Cool I sent you a pm.

If anyone wants to take a crack at this, go ahead, this is basically the same thing I sent to Carpe, can't hurt to see if anyone else can come up with something

I pretty much posted this on reddit but no one has responded or attempted it yet, but it's nice to have a few options.

Anyways, I've been switching all the time trying to find a good wallpaper & Facebook Cover and I came up with the idea of having someone create one for my favorite Female Fronted Hard Rock/Metal bands, there's 4 in particular that I'm pretty fond of specifically. I have literally no skills at all doing this stuff so I figured I'd ask if anyone on here had any skills


Wallpaper Size: 1366 x 768

Images desired to be used:
Christina Scabbia
Lzzy Hale
Elize Ryd (If you can find a better one of her by all means do it man, I've been trying to find one that kind of fits with the other ones, but she doesn't have too many good ones)
Angela Gossow

Notes: The main thing, the background needs to be black, the 2nd thing is I like stuff that has like Abstract art mixed into the image mostly ones that look like crystals exploding or shattering and I find a mix of Light red and dark red with a hint of white mixes well with the black.

No preference on which image goes from left to right, do what you think looks best.

As for Texts If you can (There is no need to do it if it doesn't fit well with the image), put the first name of each girl underneath with a font that fits the overall image. Again you don't need to do this if you feel the text doesn't really fit the overall finish.

So yeah that's basically what I am looking for.

And if possible could you make a similar image in the size of a facebook cover? Maybe not the exact same as long as all 4 ladies are in there :Spin:

Size: 851x315

If you need anymore info guys lemme know.