Any one here from Seattle??

I'm reasonably sure that Andy is willing to send a contract on Kelly Gray's head for such a mess in the Nevermore tracks :D

So if you're a professionnal killer, get in touch with Andy, he has a lot of job for you :Smokedev:
seriously man, you can't be *that* jealous of our beaches o_O. You should come down for a holiday and taunt some local bands... sure we don't have spotted dick, but I'm sure you'll feel just as much at home anyway.
No I'm not, actually went to Australia once, from Atlanta via new york, uk and bankok. That was some serious Jet Lag right there.
Brett, you look kinda hitman with those shades on, you up for the job?? That wasn't why I was askin by the way.
Damn Nitronium that was brutal, notice you have no location haha

Hey we're also sorted on the Seattle front, but thanks for your replys. There were a couple of whispers and a scream missing from the Nevermore files that Warrel is going to redo Saturday, so its all good. :headbang: