Any other producers you favor and wish they had forums?


Sep 20, 2004
I was(still am) a big Colin Richardson freak and wish he would get with the computer age and talk to US!!! *l* How old is Colin anywho? Need it matter, since age doesn't effect the heaviness of your albums. Also Barry Poynter, Terry Date, Eric Rachel, Steve Evetts. That one Zeuss guy ain't bad either(can't remember his real name.) And Andy Wallace because he did Faith No More's and Sepulatura's best albums. And what ever happened to Scott Burns? :erk:
My buds had Colin do thier C.D. at Sonic Ranch down in TExas. The coolest thing is.....I have ALL the master Pro Tools sessions backup C.D.'s to all thier tunes. I can see just what and how he tracks!!!!
One wierd but cool thing, when it comes to plug-ins he used just the stock Digi-rack ones.

It's cool being able to knock heels with Andy Sneap here at his forum! I wish Andy Wallace had a forum too!!!! Another guy who's put out some killer sounding C.D.'s is J.F. of -Kataklysm-! Listen to Misery Index's newest or Man Must Die C.D.'s
Kenny Lee said:
My buds had Colin do thier C.D. at Sonic Ranch down in TExas. The coolest thing is.....I have ALL the master Pro Tools sessions backup C.D.'s to all thier tunes. I can see just what and how he tracks!!!!
One wierd but cool thing, when it comes to plug-ins he used just the stock Digi-rack ones.

It's cool being able to knock heels with Andy Sneap here at his forum! I wish Andy Wallace had a forum too!!!! Another guy who's put out some killer sounding C.D.'s is J.F. of -Kataklysm-! Listen to Misery Index's newest or Man Must Die C.D.'s

Humm, you might have to give some insight into those Pro Tool sesssions......or I'll come and put a cigarette out in ya damn eye!! (a little Aqua Team Hunger Force humor there.) Though I must say Jean-François Dagenais likes his kicks a bit loud and punchy. But he has a nice, clean production all the way through. And while on the subject of Canadian, least we forget Pierre Remillard. I want him to produce my stuff..or steal his brain.
Frederick Nordstrom is always likely to be a favourite of mine. One Kill Wonder was truely an aural apocalypse to behold.

Also His work on Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done was fucking annihilating, those guitars sound like walls of muscle flexing or something.

Other than him, Renaud Tschirner from Elend does a lot of interesting things on their albums.
Also forgot. I'm a big Candiria fan and that Michael Barile guy is pretty good at some production. He hones the energy of Candiria very well. Plus Kenneth is a tight ass drummer.
johnzorn said:
And what ever happened to Scott Burns? :erk:

What ever did happen to him? He produced so many good albums then disappeared into obscurity...

Did people just get tired of his sound? Or did he leave the business?

according to
Burns continued to rise to the fore of the death metal scene, but as he was so deeply associated with it, when the genre petered out in the late '90s, the producer, pigeonholed by the industry, found it difficult to get work in other genres and has only worked on a handful of relevant records since.
johnzorn said:
Humm, you might have to give some insight into those Pro Tool sesssions......or I'll come and put a cigarette out in ya damn eye!! (a little Aqua Team Hunger Force humor there.)

Yeah, to see that would be priceless...trying to figure out how the hell these guys do this stuff is like trying to figure out how a painting was done without watching the painter do it. I would be nowhere right now without this forum by the way.

As far as producers go, I've tried to find a web site for daniel bergstrand but have had no luck--has anyone found one?
I just found Ed Rose has a website( He produced my favorite Coalesce and The Esoteric albums. He doesn't have a forum on his site, but he does give a little bit of info on how/what he used to record some albums and what not. You guys should check it out for some different insight.
baumgardner / wallace / nordstrom / feldman / grosse / richardson

i like to see some sort of real tv program were they would follow a producer/mixer and show their tricks and stuff or the complete recording process of a band now that would be cool ...

greets ,
I'd love see forums of Tommy Newton, Steve Wilson, Daniel Bergstrand and Marsten Bailey

These are some of my fave producers/recording engineers; andy's already got his forum, so I don't bother mentioning him, oh..wait a second, I'm posting in his forum! :p

EDIT: Oh, and I just forgot Nordstrom and Fredrik Thordenthal (his solo album, I hear it was self-produced and I love its quality) and Gonçalo Pereira
Kurt Ballou from Converge, Miesko Talarczyk (sp?) from Nasum, Scott Hull from Pig Destroyer, and Dave Chang (mainly for the production of the Isor - Post-Mortem Peep Show album - one guitarist and a drummer, both of whom do vocals - no other instruments, but fuck me has that record got a huuuuge guitar sound)...
morningstar said:
I'd love see forums of Tommy Newton, Steve Wilson, Daniel Bergstrand and Marsten Bailey

These are some of my fave producers/recording engineers; andy's already got his forum, so I don't bother mentioning him, oh..wait a second, I'm posting in his forum! :p

EDIT: Oh, and I just forgot Nordstrom and Fredrik Thordenthal (his solo album, I hear it was self-produced and I love its quality) and Gonçalo Pereira
Hey man I'm with you!
Tommy Newton is GOD! :worship:
Max Norman is producing disco!?!?! :OMG: