Any pix of Ava Allen yet?


Oct 17, 2006
Northwestern SC, USA
She's at the age where she looks like the Michelin man, all rolls of fat, no neck, elbows covered in rolls of fat, etc. The cutest age there is. So where are the pictures??? I have two kids, a lot of us have kids, let's see Ava!!! Never seen his wife (Christie?), but I bet Ava's a doll baby. Come one, who's with me? I wanna see the girl!!!!!!!!
I highly doubt Russ & Christie will share pix of her anytime soon. The guys prefer to keep their families private, as is their right.
I've heard she looks just like her daddy, but I don't see it.

I understand the privacy thing. Russell has to know that his fans adore him and want to see who he's passing the torch to someday. Wasn't trying to be nosy or anything, I have kids, too, and flash their pix every chance I get. Of course I'm not a vocal god famous all over the world or anything........ I have my fur child as my avatar matter of fact. Looks just like me......