Any Sansamp GT2 owner here?


Jan 17, 2011
You know, the old analog ampsim pedal

I listened to a sample on Tech 21's website and digged the lo-fi crude sound of it. I would like to know from someone who actually owns one if the pedal does sound like this.
i have it and it rocks!!!

Great for hard rock / blues / clean you won't regret buying it ( just don't expect Rectifier amounts of gain)
One of the best tube amp sim pedal solutions for me. But it sounds best only through a solid state amp.

I've owned 3 GT2's for work purposes during the course of 15 years. 1st gen GT2 ( LED light on center) is the preferred choice over the current gen.

The downside is that it can be a noisy pedal when volume is past 11 or 12 o'clock and you'll definitely need to couple it with a noise gate. Other than that, it delivers a solid rhythm chug.
But does it really sounds like that demo on their site? They claim that it was a cheap Yamaha guitar and the only processing on rhythmn guitar was +5dB low shelving at 80 hz.