Any Slade fans in here???

Oct 17, 2006
Since 1966 the English glam rockers Slade have been one of the most influencial & underrated bands of all time. Though some metal bands have gained success covering their songs ('Cum On Feel The Noize', 'Mama We're All Crazee Now', and 'Gudbuy T' Jane'), they have never been considered a 'metal' band.

Though the band 'Not Fragile' makes no secret of the fact they are strongly influenced by Slade (also covering several of their songs), they have gained recognition as a heavy metal band.

Recently I've been listening to a lot of the heavy metal band Axxis. To me Axxis sounds a lot like 80's Slade ('Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply' - 'You Boyz Make Big Noize' era). The singer clearly resembles Noddy Holder and the music is energetic, melodic and very enjoyable. Though I haven't heard Axxis cover any Slade songs, and failed to find anyone else make the comparison - I would say they are Slade for the newer generation. If you are a Slade fan or even a fan of their recognizable original style, check out Axxis. Though they may not score too high for originality, they are not a clone band and have many excellent contributions to this genre. Metal or not, Slade has been and will always be one of my all time favorite bands - Axxis helps to keep this sound alive and thriving. :headbang:
Slade and Mud were definatly bands that got me listening to harder guitar music. But I'm not really sure they made it into the US that much? They surely must have influenced a bunch of NWOBHM bands, pretty sure of that !!



I saw Slade twice on TV back in the 70's. There was two shows, Midnight Special and Don Kirshners In Concert. Had to stay up till after 11:30, uncommon back in the day. I must have seen them on Kirshners. I thought they were kinda interesting and they were heavy for the day. I have no doubt they influenced early British bands to some degree. I remember hats and seems like a long tail tux. Maybe the guy in these photos with the baggie jester get up was the guitar player ? I remember him standing on the stacks or a high platform or something. And while "cum on feel the noise" was on the radio I actually thought it was Slade and when I found out it wasnt I said "well it sounds just like that band Slade". Then even later I found out it was one of thier songs. :rolleyes: SO they never made it into our listening circle and I dont remember even seeing an album in the stores but that was a long time ago. None the less some of us young ones in the US were exposed.

Thanks Carnut!! These are classic. I've got the Slade in Flame DVD & they did an awesome job with it but they should've thrown in a couple extras discs. You're correct - They never did break though in the US and most of the LPs could only be found in the cut-out bins of used record stores. Shame.