Any Sneapsters coming to Summer Breeze Open Air this year?


No SSL for you!
Jun 15, 2007
My band is playing on there the Party Stage Wednesday, the 15th. If any of you are there, definitely get in touch with me and we'll have a beer. :)

Hey Ola, no problem, we'll definitely be there at your show, since we'll be there the whole festival, I think. Maybe we'll catch a beer after your show if you find the time, it would be great.

Cheers! :headbang:
Hey, you're playing with Before The Dawn, right? I saw your band here in Bucharest when you were opening for Amorphis. I remember you had a great song, "Monsters".
Before the Dawn indeed =)
We have changed our style somewhat since the Amorphis tour.
A bit more aggressive these days...

Just let me know if you have the time.
Would be fun to meet and talk about sound.
Yes, I know, saw your new video, dig the new style too. :) I'll check Ola's Six Feet Under gig from 19:10 at the Pain Stage and then I'll come to see your band and have a chat and a beer afterwards for sure. :headbang:
I'm so sorry guys, we had to leave early on Thursday night because some unxpected shit occured. Would have loved to hang with you guys. Maybe we'll have better luck next time! :headbang:
No problem man.
I didn't get any sleep the night before the show so I wouldn't have been too fun to hang out with anyway =)
Until next time it is...