Any Wallabies fans in Brisbane


Jun 11, 2001
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I'm coming to Brisbane next weekend to watch the Wallabies play South Africa at the Gabba on Saturday 27th and have a spare ticket.The ticket is worth $90 but i would be happy to give the ticket away to a MD person for the small price of a few beers if anyone wants to go to the game with me.
Looks like i will finally get to meet you Icarus and catch up with Koichi who i met in canberra last weekend.This will be the 3rd time(and 3rd state) in 2 weeks that i will see Infernal Method(Canberra last Friday and Sydney last Saturday and now Brisbane)

I arrive in Brisbane Friday night about 7pm so that should work our perfectly.Can you give me the location of the gabba pub(i know where the ground is so i guess it is somewhere close to the ground).I am staying approx 3 blocks from the ground in Vulture St so that should be walking distance from the pub as well!!:grin:

anyway,looks like the rugby ticket is still available
Hey Southy
looks like the ticket is yours.I've sent you a PM with my contact details.Give me a call so we can arrange a meeting place/time

i'm sure the price of beer is around the same price at most stadiums:grin: