Anybody interested in joining a split record with me?


Bam Bam Boogie Bear!
Jun 11, 2010
Tallahassee, Fl
Hey guys, I have a music project entitled Ashton Butcher The music is of a style i like to call "comedic hate metal", meaning that the lyrics pertain to lots of hatrid, portrayed in a comedic fashion. I create the instrumental then my buddy comes to record vocals. We started out not so serious, but as our publicity rapidly increased, we started to take it more seriously. And as of the other day, we agreed on a partnership with the upcoming label, Imminence Records

For the past few months, Ashton Butcher have throwing around the idea of releasing a split record that includes other bands from the underground metal scene, one act including Oscillator, our forum's own John Galloway (MaellaJohn) We had a total of 4 bands confirmed, but alas, we have not heard anything from two of the bands in a couple of months, so we are assuming they are out. Which leaves a couple of open spots available.

This hasnt been planned to be one of those super legit, label-released records, just a fun, self-released way to have all of us helping each other out with publicity and getting some more music out in the world and ears of the general audience. But, since there are a couple of open spots, and instead of randomly searching for artists on youtube and facebook, i figured i would ask here and see if anybody would be on board, and out of those who would be, we CAN make it as legit as we want it to be.

Requirements: 3 or 4 songs, (heard or unheard, but for your own sake i would probably suggest at least one unheard song) that you want to be heard. That is all, no catch or anything. Of course, we would like it to be relatively similar in musical style. Seeing as how we kinda fall under the faux category of "Deathcore", we would like the artists to be around the same style. I guess that way, the listeners will not play favorites to the bands due to musical differences. When all the artists have been presented with the 3 or 4 songs of their choosing, they will be collaborated together into one record and will be released by ourselves, Imminence Records, as well as some blog sites (Total Deathcore, JonnyBeans Music & Promotion, BeheadingTheTraitor) and many others at no cost. It will be a free downloadable album solely for the aforementioned spreading of word.

So, if you are interested, just shoot me a PM and we can discuss things further. Even though there isn't much else to be discussed, because it's pretty simple lol.