anybody remember Jackyl?

a few months ago my band won a small "battle of the bands" thing here in Texas and we got to open up for Jackyl..
i know you all remember them "i feel the sun shinin..DOWN ON ME"


IT was awesome we drank those boys under the table if they ever get around to your area its proabably cheap i say go and see the was good
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Good dumb fun. I didn't mind either the second or third album (although not nearly as good as the first), haven't heard anything since (was there anything?). The duet with Brian Johnson was kind of funny, in that it sometimes became hard to tell who was who :grin:
nafnikufesin said:
Good dumb fun. I didn't mind either the second or third album (although not nearly as good as the first), haven't heard anything since (was there anything?). The duet with Brian Johnson was kind of funny, in that it sometimes became hard to tell who was who :grin:

What was that called Locked & Loaded?!
I remember hearing that on the radio. Killer Track.
Yeah Jackyl is from Georgia. I live right on the Georgia border and they have played clubs near me several times. I have seen them three times. While they don't play my favorite style of music, they are a fun live band, and JJD nails his vocals live. I will even go as far as to say, Jesse James is one of the best vocalists I have seen (and I've been to a bunch of shows) as far as sounding like he does on disc.
