Anyone besides me heard the new ICED EARTH EP with Ripper Owens?


I too have purchased this Ep, and wait for baited breath for the full album. WHile they could have picked more rockin tunes, the acoustic laden tracks are quite good. The first track is worth purchase alone, if not to hear matt barlow sing the chorus, and then ripper, well, ripping his vocals out. Iced Earth have changed, but me thinks, only for the better.

evil c
notman said:

I too have purchased this Ep, and wait for baited breath for the full album. WHile they could have picked more rockin tunes, the acoustic laden tracks are quite good. The first track is worth purchase alone, if not to hear matt barlow sing the chorus, and then ripper, well, ripping his vocals out. Iced Earth have changed, but me thinks, only for the better.

evil c

I agree totally. I like "Valley Forge" a lot. Sounds like a "Chains" type of Judas Priest song.
notman said:
The first track is worth purchase alone, if not to hear matt barlow sing the chorus, and then ripper, well, ripping his vocals out. Iced Earth have changed, but me thinks, only for the better.
Woah - so they kept the vocals that Barlow laid down before he left IE?
I haven't heard the songs but the idea of Iced Earth with Ripper is very appealling to me so I will probably rush out and buy the album anyway :p